Ramp up Your Personal Style

Have you found yourself donning your college sweatpants and sweatshirts with increasing frequency?  Don’t fall prey to the notion that fashion and style are the antithesis of comfort. Depending on your life style and profession, fashion and personal style can certainly provide the same comfort as your treasured college sweats. You don’t need an unlimited budget or the services of an expensive personal stylist to ramp up your personal style. Do remind yourself that the most important things to wear everyday are a genuine smile and quiet self-confidence. They will truly serve to radiate your inner beauty. Follow these back to basics recommendations from professional stylists to uncover your personal style.

Are you still sporting the same hair style you wore in college? When running into old friends, the suggestion that you haven’t changed since college isn’t always a compliment! Take the time to make an appointment with a professional …

Advanced Laser Treatment For Active Acne

There’s nothing worse than getting spots or an embarrassing outbreak of acne and whether you’re a pimply teenage girl, a spotty youth or an adult, there’s never an ideal time. The people we meet on a daily basis will look at our face first, and if we have spots it can cause us to feel self-conscious. We can try to help prevent our acne from getting worse by avoiding frequent face washing, we can use a mild soap or cleanser, limit the amount of make-up we wear and try not to squeeze any blackheads, white heads or spots.

Around 80% of teenagers will get some degree of acne between the ages of 13 and 18 years because of changes to their hormone levels, which cause the sebaceous glands to produce increased amounts of sebum that can block the hair follicles. Spots usually occur on the face, arms, back and chest.