Smoking and how it ages your skin –Can vaping improve your skin condition?

The Centers for Disease Control reports that the usage of electronic cigarettes is rapidly growing like never before as the numbers are exceeding the other tobacco alternatives combined together. Whether you consider nicotine patches or gums, tobacco cigarettes are certainly more popular among the generation that is trying hard to quit smoking. As we all know that tobacco adversely affects your skin, do you think that e-cigs are anyway better?

Well, if you consider the impact of vaping on your health, it is certainly much safer than smoking tobacco. In fact this is the reason why most people make the switch from tobacco to vapor. But if you want to know how e-cigs affect your skin, here are few questions and answers that you should take into account. We asked dermatologists about the relation between e-cigs and human skin. This is what they said.

#1: Is vaping e-cigs as harmful

Introduction of new bill chucks off vaping from TPD

If you’re a vaping enthusiast who loves to vape and who has been using vaping for ditching smoking, there’s good news for you. There is a new bill that has been introduced to exclude the total vape industry from all sorts of TPD rules. Until we tend to move forward to know what this bills is and how it was introduced and where, this news seems to be great indeed. If you’re thinking about who the man is, it is Sir Christopher Chope who introduced this bill and rather than being a standard bill, it falls in the category of Private Member’s Bill.

Such Private Member’s bills are most often put forward by different politicians and it is sad enough to note that such politicians aren’t federal representatives. These bills design an occasion where the policy of the government is discussed due to not enough attention that the bill was …