I have a skin tag, will it go away?

Skin tags are caused by a variety of circumstances. They affect both men and women, but are more common in older people, obese people, and people with type 2 diabetes. They occur often during pregnancy, presumably because to hormonal changes. Others acquire them for no apparent reason.

Skin tags may fall off naturally if the tissue has twisted and died owing to a lack of oxygen and blood flow. They are usually harmless and cause no discomfort. Skin tags, on the other hand, may be safely removed if they become bothersome.

How to remove a skin tag?

Skin tag removal is deemed cosmetic and hence not available through the NHS. If you are unsure, visit your primary care physician first. When considering skin tag removal, be sure the practitioner is certified and has medical expertise. Before executing a removal, the practitioner must be able to analyse and diagnose the skin …