Im Gegensatz zu THC, auch tetrahydrocannabinol genannt, hat CBD bei gesunden Menschen fast keinen direkten Einfluss auf die kardiovaskuläre Funktion.

Dies schließt sowohl die Herzfrequenz als auch den Blutdruck ein, so Brook Henry, PhD. Henry ist assistant research scientist an der University of California. Ein solcher Unterschied ist höchstwahrscheinlich darauf zurückzuführen, dass THC mehr endocannabinoidrezeptoren in unserem Herz-Kreislauf-system aktiviert als CBD, fährt Henry Fort. CBD herzrasen hat eher eine neurologische Wirkung.

Auf der Suche nach den besten CBD-ölen mit vollem Spektrum? Dies sind nur einige Beispiele für Vertrauenswürdige Marken, die wir vollständig auf Qualität überprüft haben:

Das bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass CBD für die Behandlung von Herz-Kreislauf-Problemen nicht nützlich ist. Aktuelle medizinische Forschung legt nahe, potenzielle Vorteile für Menschen mit bestimmten kardiovaskulären und Autoimmunerkrankungen.


Hoher Blutdruck kann das Risiko für Herzinfarkt, Schlaganfall und Nierenerkrankungen erhöhen.

Zu wissen, wie man Bluthochdruck bekämpft und reduziert, …

Proton Therapy for Cancer Treatment | Cancer Types

Types of Cancer That Can Be Treated With Proton Therapy

Proton therapy for cancer treatment is a type of radiation therapy that uses protons instead of X-rays. It is preferred by many physicians because it allows them to precisely aim the highest dose to the tumor while minimizing damage to nearby healthy tissues and vital organs. It also reduces the risks of side effects. 

Since proton therapy is non-invasive, non-surgical, and highly precise, it is an ideal treatment for some cancers, especially those that haven’t spread yet to other parts of the body. So, what types of cancer can be treated using proton therapy?

  • Prostate Cancer

One of the most common types of cancer among American men is prostate cancer. According to research, about one out of every nine men will develop this disease during their lifetime. It usually occurs after the age of 50. Fortunately, approximately 80 percent are …

What Affects the Cost of Dental Implants?

What Affects the Cost of Dental Implants?

Getting a dental implant is one of the best choices a person has if they want to replace a missing tooth. A lot of people prefer tooth implants since this treatment can look, feel, and function like it’s one of their pearly whites. Since this is screwed on the patient’s jawbone, this won’t move, shift, or click in the mouth, unlike other options that could slip when a person is eating or talking.

Doctors create a customized treatment plan for each patient. That’s why the number of appointments and procedures vary per person. For some, the whole treatment may take a long time, while it may only take a few months for others.

Due to that reason, the dental implant cost differs per patient. According to an article in the New York Times, For Most, Implants Beat Dentures, but at a Price, …


CBD Oil https://aenaz.com/product-category/cbd-oil/

CBD gummies are edible candies containing CBD. As Aenaz from aenaz.com CBD is sky-rocketing to popularity, so is the fame of CBD gummies. Being so hot in the market, several manufacturers have come forward, offering an array of flavors, shapes, and CBD concentrations. Demand for CBD gummies has also increased since eating candies is way more favorable than using CBD as a medicine.

So does CBD gummies offer the perks its manufacturers claim? Let’s walk together to discover what CBD gummies have to offer and how you can choose the best gummies for yourself.


Health Benefits Of CBD Gummies

CBD is very new, but the research so far has shown promising results.

▪         Improves Inflammatory Functions

One of the most highlighted benefits of CBD is its ability to support healthy inflammatory structures in a body. Since this has been one of the most reassuring factors of CBD gummies, most …

New study suggests proton therapy for lung cancer lowers risk of heart disease

When treating lung cancer with radiation therapy, there is a significant concern that the treatment dose will expose the heart to excess radiation. One way to avoid this unnecessary radiation is by using proton therapy, a more precise form of radiation therapy as compared to traditional radiation therapy (x-rays/photons).

Researchers now say there is a link between lung cancer proton therapy and a reduced risk of certain heart diseases, including mini-strokes and heart attacks.


The findings of a new study from Penn Medicine were presented at the American Society for Radiation Oncology’s (ASTRO) annual meeting in October by Timothy Kegelman, MD, PhD, chief resident in the department of Radiation Oncology in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

Kegelman and his team of researchers followed more than 200 patients who underwent either proton therapy or traditional radiation therapy for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer. The retrospective …

White Malay Kratom Effects and Benefits

White Malay kratom is a strange energy booster obtained from Malaysia. The name white Malay springs from the very fact that it’s white veins. The vendors source it from Malaysia, where it’s cultivated under controlled conditions. Initially, the plant was naturally found in Malaysia. People are using it, and it’s proved to possess several health benefits.


White Malay kratom is very potent and is very efficient in pain relief. It provides stimulation and euphoria which will range from mild to intense counting on the dose. Due to its stimulating properties, it is often used as a substitute for coffee and tea.

Immediate results

White Malay kratom gives immediate results, relieving pain. As compared to other strains white Malay kratom is fast in its action.


White Malay kratom is safe in use. It a natural remedy for several diseases and have no side effects however has some side effects …