What You Need to Know About Nosejobs Procedure in Winnipeg

To you and me, a nose job or Rhinoplasty is not just a decision most individuals take lightly. And rightly so, it is a significant operation that does not just need people going under general anesthesia but will change how they look for the rest of their lives.

If the person’s nose is something they want to change and they have been thinking about Rhinoplasty for quite a while, it is worth doing some research and finding out what the process brings to the table, from consultation to risks. From the time the patient will need to schedule an appointment with a plastic surgeon to the clever way they can see what their new nose will look like before undergoing the nosejob procedure.

The consultation process

Traditionally, by the time a person comes to the cosmetic surgeon’s clinic, they will have been thinking of Rhinoplasty for the longest time, usually …

Dental Implant Surgery: What to Expect and Do After the Procedure

Recovering from a dental implant surgery takes time—usually about 6 to 8 months. However, this can take longer for patients who received additional procedures such as bone augmentation and sinus lift. Postoperative care will also play a huge role in the healing process and the success of your dental implants. To give you a better idea, here’s a timeline on what to expect after getting dental implants:

The First 24 Hours Post-Surgery

A few hours after the surgery, you may experience some drowsiness from the anesthesia. This may take a few hours to wear off, so be sure to have someone drive you home. Slight bleeding is also common post-surgery. Your doctor will place gauze sponges over the area to absorb the blood. These can be removed one to two hours after the procedure. You should also avoid engaging in strenuous exercises to avoid worsening the bleeding. 

By the time you remove the sponge, you’ll be permitted to eat. However, your teeth and jaw will still be sensitive. Chew away from the surgical site, and …