Why is Step 2 in Alcoholics Anonymous Important?

Are you prepared to submit your will and your thoughts to a force that is larger than you in order to obtain assistance in your fight against addiction to alcohol? If that is the case, you have to learn how to channel that energy to get your mind back in order. Allow the ideals of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), specifically the Step 2  AA program, to serve as a guide for you as you work through the recovery process.

The Purpose: Find a Power Greater Than Yourself

The second step of Alcoholics Anonymous is meant to give its members hope and a sense of community. Those working the 12-step program know early on that they need power outside themselves to help them beat their addiction.

They are restored to sanity and mental health, empowered to make positive choices in their lives and freed from the grip of alcohol thanks to the …

How To Have Deep Conversations With Anyone

We’ve all been there… you’re having a conversation and all of the sudden there’s an awkward silence and neither of you can think of something say. The conversation has abruptly died and in a feeble attempt to revive it you say something so cliché it hurts like “At least the weather out today is great haha”. Both of you laugh awkwardly and you can’t believe you just said the exact words that make you cringe when you hear them from someone else.

Don’t worry, we have a solution. A simple formula to make sure you will never have an awkward conversation for the rest of your life. Most people make a few critical mistakes in conversations, but the thing is they’re easy to fix…


When someone speaks with you they give you multiple hook points to which you can continue the conversation. Which hook point you choose will …

5 Reasons Why You Don’t See 6 Pack Abs When Your Core is Strong

The 6 pack abs are one fitness ideal we’ve been led to believe we need. Whether for aesthetic or fitness reasons, we probably want to get that 6-pack. But sometimes, even though we keep a strong core, we don’t see the abs anywhere. Is that normal? Is it okay not to have an abdominal definition?

The truth is that not having the 6 pack abs is pretty much standard. There are many different reasons as to why we don’t achieve them even if we have a strong core. Read on to find out 5 common reasons why this happens.

#1 Body fat percentage

According to Healthline, with a body fat percentage above 15-19, you’ll probably don’t see muscle definition if you’re male. Therefore, your abs likely won’t be visible. On the other hand, if you’re a female, you should aim for a body fat percentage of 10-20% to see abs.…

Advanced Laser Treatment For Active Acne

There’s nothing worse than getting spots or an embarrassing outbreak of acne and whether you’re a pimply teenage girl, a spotty youth or an adult, there’s never an ideal time. The people we meet on a daily basis will look at our face first, and if we have spots it can cause us to feel self-conscious. We can try to help prevent our acne from getting worse by avoiding frequent face washing, we can use a mild soap or cleanser, limit the amount of make-up we wear and try not to squeeze any blackheads, white heads or spots.

Around 80% of teenagers will get some degree of acne between the ages of 13 and 18 years because of changes to their hormone levels, which cause the sebaceous glands to produce increased amounts of sebum that can block the hair follicles. Spots usually occur on the face, arms, back and chest.